For Appointment : +91 75750 01065 +91 75750 01066



Garbhsanskar Is a
Schooling for Developing Fetus
& Also For “Mother To Be”...!!!

Garbhsanskar Though an Ayurvedic Terminology, It Is Fully Attached With Scientific Approach.

Science of training intrauterine fetus is very unique and artistic. We as an ayurvedic Consultant are feeling proud that science of garbhsanskar. Practiced since thousands of year In ayurveda is still not implemented or researched in current allopathic medicine.

In this digital era where social pollution is at everyone s door step to implement cultural, religious, psychological & physical health of developing fetus is the need society.


  • Registration and documentation
  • Month Wise Activity Book
  • Month Wise Diet planning
  • Ragas Instrumental
  • Month Wise Music
  • Month Wise Garbhsamvad (Talk with fetus)
  • Sanskara (Punsavan sanskar, Simntonayansanskar)
  • Weekly Activities
  • Weekly Yoga & Pranayam
  • Library For Month Wise Book reading
  • Medications
  • Weekly Personal Counselling
  • Game
  • Art & Craft Activities
  • Mental Maths Session


  • Garbhsanskar helps you regulate your emotion.
  • Creates environment for Healthy development of baby physically and mentally.
  • Soft and spiritual songs or mantras and shlokas
  • Makes journey of pregnancy joyful and healthy.
  • Reduces complications during pregnancy and delivery.
  • Reduces stress of mother during pregnancy.
  • Helps to prevent inherent genetic disorders.
  • The mother- baby bonding benefits so as to begin breastfeeding in better way.
  • Communication with the baby is ‘garbhsanwaad’ that contributes to the mental growth of the baby.
  • Helps in mental growth of baby.
  • It creates a healthy environment for the developing fetus.
  • Decreases risk of abortion.
  • Helps to develop eternal bond between the mother and her unborn child which benefits during parenting time.
  • Creates positivity amongst mother, father and entire family helps in proper growth of fetus.
  • Can shape baby as per your wish.
  • Detoxification at cellular level helps prevent genetic abnormalities
  • Happy and positive environment helps in proper growth of fetus.
  • It decreases chances of hypertension during pregnancy and its complication
  • Garbhsanskar works at the cellular level to remove the toxins and helps better regeneration of cells.
  • Increases blood supply of reproductive organs and provide nutrition to the baby.
  • Helps reduce stress of mother during pregnancy and keeps her mind calm.

Registration And Documentation


  • History
  • Investigation
  • Monthly planner
  • Expected baby paper
  • Stationary kit

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Helps keep the record of patients.
  • Helps check regularity of patients.
  • We can get detailed history of patients and their investigations which help us decide the treatment plan of the patient.
  • Monthly planner helps the patient keep check of their upcoming activities and follow the schedule regularly.
  • Expected baby paper can help the doctor as well as the patient to know the kind of baby that is desired.
  • Stationary kit is provided at the time of registration for regular activities.

Month wise activity book


  • Puzzles
  • Mathematics
  • Quiz
  • Sketches
  • Craft
  • Painting
  • Essay writing

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Improves the concentrating power of patient.
  • Helps patient visualize their capabilities and in turn boosts their confidence.
  • Helps patient fight their stage fear and open up with people which makes the neurons of baby active during the time of development.
  • Keeps mother occupied in various activities and thus doesn’t allow any negativity to roam around the family or baby.

Month wise diet planning


  • Month wise diet chart along with the recipe.

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Patient is advised proper diet according to the monthly requirement of the baby.
  • Helps clear out the confusion about various myths created in patients mind whether what to eat and what not.
  • Helps in proper nourishment of the baby as well as the mother.
  • Helps in proper milk development during the time of lactation.
  • Boosts the immunity of mother and baby.
  • Prevents patient from consuming unnecessary junk food and fatty diet
  • Avoids accumulation of toxins.
  • Helps maintaining proper weight.
  • Improvers skin texture.
  • Keeps the digestive cycle on check and avoids dietary diseases like diarrhoea, in digestion, food poisoning etc.

Month wise music


  • Puzzles
  • Mathematics
  • Quiz
  • Sketches
  • Craft
  • Painting
  • Essay writing

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Specific ragas when heard in their respective months help to calm the mind of mother and baby.
  • It decreases the negative thoughts and prevents psychiatric problems like anxiety, depression and mood swings during pregnancy.
  • Increases release of serotonin improving overall performance of the body.
  • Also helps improve the memory of developing baby.

Month wise books

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Improves strength of neurons and improves brain development of baby.
  • Helps in maintaining concentration for a long time.
  • Improves memory power of mother and baby.
  • Reduces episodes of depression, stress, anxiety and mood swings.
  • Boosts the knowledge and confidence of mother and baby.

Weekly activity and yoga

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Light yoga and exercises during pregnancy helps improve flexibility of pelvic organs of the mother.
  • Flexible organs intern help in easy delivery of the baby during labor.
  • Yoga also helps increase peace of mind of mother and baby.
  • It provides relief in back pain.
  • It improves the cardiac pumping activity and helps provides proper blood to the baby.
  • Reduces stress.

Weekly personal counselling

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Counselling helps the patient stick to their activities and diet so that they can reach their target of healthy baby.
  • It motivates the patient to continue the ongoing therapy by making them understand its importance to the baby.
  • It also helps clear all the doubts of patient if any.


    Advantages & Benefits

  • Ayurvedic medications provide relief in common problems during pregnancy like acidity, anemia, abdominal discomfort, constipation and many more.
  • Side effects of these medications are nil and hence work without disturbing the developing baby.
  • They also help boost up immunity of baby and mother.



  • Garbhadhan
  • Pumsavan
  • Simantonayan

    Advantages & Benefits

  • Garbhadhan helps prepare the couple during the time of conception.
  • Proper tithi, muhurat and decoration helps create proper environment during coitus.
  • Pumsavan sanskar which is done at 2nd month makes the family realize their responsibility and helps them prepare for the coming baby.
  • Simantonayan sanskar which is done at 6th month helps proper development of brain before fusion of sutures of skull of baby.


Garbhsanskar Treatments Price(Rs.) Type
Diet Rs.299/- Monthly
Activity Book Rs.999/- Monthly
Music Rs.499/- Monthly
Garbhsamvad Rs.499/- Monthly
Yoga Class


Rs.4999/- Per Month (Every Monday To Friday)
Personal Zoom Meeting


Rs.999/- Per Session
Informative Session


Rs.999/- Per Month (Every Friday)
Per Month Package Rs.4999/- Per Month (Every Monday)

9 Months Packages as Follow

Package Name Price(Rs.)
Diamond Rs.54,999/-
Platinum Rs.42,999/-
Gold Rs.31,999/-

What Do You Want?

How Will Be Your Baby's Nature And Health?

Garbhsanskar is the answer to pour your child with good qualities and remove bad qualities.

Through Garbhsanskar you can give birth to a genius child.


Religious Or Antisocial


Smart Or Dull-Looking


Intelligent Or Average


Excellent In Study Or Average


Irritated And Depressed Or Happy Go Around


Confident Or Inferiority Complex